Every Sunday after our 10am meeting, we gather with mothers to pray for our children and to share basic advise of how we can improve our relationship with them. Every Monday we'll be sharing with you what we speak about at these special gatherings.

When our children are small, they tell us everything. They arrive home from school and begin filling our ears with interesting details of their day - what they got up to with their friends, what the teacher said, which game they played, etc. But, as they grow older, this all starts changing. They become more reserved and keep what they do during the day to themselves. Well, how can we as parents become friends with them and get get to know them better?
Discover their interests
Good friends spend time together and share common interests. It will be no different with our children. Find out about their interests - things they like and enjoy - and do those together with them. You may find it less engaging than the things you enjoy, but remember, to conquer them, you need to go down to their level. Remember, it's not about imposing your interests on them, but about discovering theirs.
Join us this coming Sunday for another informative Mothers in Prayer gathering. Don't miss!
Mothering a huge responsibility given to us. Our mothering shapes society, changes nations, affects governments and brings glory to God when this responsibility is understood. Let's continue to pray.
Mothering a huge responsibility given to us. Our mothering shapes society, changes nations, affects governments and brings glory to God when this responsibility is understood. Let's continue to pray.